Blog Category: Community
Supporting Operation Warm’s Local Coat Drive for Kids
We were excited to support Operation Warm through a local coat drive with SCPS and the Mountain View Volunteer Fire Department!
Announcing Moved to Action – Hilldrup’s New Community Engagement Program
Today we are sharing that we’re taking our community service efforts to a new level with Moved to Action.
“This is the Way” to Raise Over $25,000 for Rappahannock United Way
Thanks to the generosity of our employees, Team Hilldrup raised over $25,000 for our workplace campaign supporting Rappahannock United Way!
Stafford County Students’ Artwork on Display at Corporate HQ
Thanks to art students across Stafford County Public Schools, our Stafford office has a fresh new look each year!
Supporting SCPS and Stafford County Sheriff’s National Night Out
We were honored to give back to Stafford County students and the greater Stafford community in two unique ways.
Attending & Sponsoring the First Responders Breakfast & Awards Ceremony
Hilldrup was honored to be a part of this annual event to celebrate those who keep our communities safe!
Hilldrup’s Stafford and Richmond teams host lemonade stands to support Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU
Our Stafford and Richmond teams had a blast hosting lemonade stands while raising $1549 to support Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU’s oncology and hematology services.
Hilldrup Delivered 180 Care Packages to Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU
As part of our partnership with Children’s Hospital Foundation, we were pleased to host a supply drive for the hospital’s patients, families and team members.