Celebrating Our 2022 – 2023 RUW Workplace Campaign Success

Thanks to the generosity of our employees, Team Hilldrup was recognized for our 2022 - 2023 workplace giving campaign!

Image for Celebrating Our 2022 – 2023 RUW Workplace Campaign Success

Recently, Rappahannock United Way (RUW) celebrated the 2022 – 2023 Workplace Campaign companies and campaign volunteers for their success and support with a night at the ballpark! Taking place at the Fred Nats Stadium in Fredericksburg, Hilldrup joined fellow local businesses who participated in supporting RUW’s campaign. We were pleased to be able to BE THERE for our community and couldn’t have done it without our team’s support and generosity!

Inspired by RUW’s theme “ReUnite,” Team Hilldrup was inspired to come together during our campaign’s kickoff week in late 2022 to have fun and fundraise for RUW’s mission of improving the lives of those in our local community. From a delicious waffle bar – served up with help from RUW President, Janel Donohue! – to a silent auction and a 50/50 raffle, over $37,000 was raised within less than 3 weeks by our employees. Our employees’ generosity and support continues to impress and inspire us!

Throughout Hilldrup’s 2022 – 2023 campaign, our creative, fun and engaging ways to give back were in thanks to RUW Campaign Chair & RUW Board Member, Jordan McDaniel Hinkebein, Marketing Director;  and Co-Chair Onie Girton, Senior Vice President, Sales and Client Services.

Both Onie and Jordan were invited to attend RUW’s campaign celebration to thank and congratulate them both and honor Team Hilldrup! Onie was presented with this year’s Star ECC Award, an award presented to the Employee Campaign Coordinator (ECC) who motivated their colleagues to raise, in Hilldrup’s case, close to $40,000 during their workplace campaign through their creativity, inspiration and team-focused approach. Congratulations, Onie!

Hilldrup was also presented with the BE THERE Award, given to companies that not only had a successful United Way campaign but to specifically acknowledge the generosity of those corporations and to commend employee donors for choosing to BE THERE for the ALICE (Asset-Limited, Income-Constrained, Employed) population through their giving.

Thanks to the generosity of local corporations and employee donors, like Hilldrup, RUW continues to BE THERE for the ALICE population through their life-changing programs and services. Thanks to Team Hilldrup’s generosity, we’re helping to tackle our area’s greatest needs to bring hope, resiliency and self-sufficiency to our community!

Congratulations, Team Hilldrup!

Big screen at FredNats Virginia Credit Union Stadium

Photo credit: Rappahannock United Way

Taking place at Fred Nats’ Virginia Credit Union Stadium, RUW’s 2023 – 2023 Workplace Campaign companies and volunteers were recognized for their outstanding work!

RUW's table at the FredNats Stadium

Photo credit: Rappahannock United Way

We’re honored to be a Platinum Sponsor of RUW and support their mission to improve the lives of those in the local community, especially the ALICE (Asset-Limited, Income-Constrained, Employed) population.

Janel Donohue with Jordan McDaniel Hinkebein and Onie Girton at FredNats Stadium.

Photo credit: Rappahannock United Way

Janel Donohue, RUW President (left) presents the BE THERE Award and ECC Star Award to Hilldrup’s Jordan McDaniel Hinkebein (center) and Onie Girton (right) during the June 28, 2023 campaign celebration. We’re happy we could BE THERE for our community members who rely on RUW’s programs and services to live happy, healthy and prosperous lives.