Team Hilldrup raises nearly $1,400 at 2017 Heart Walk

Hilldrup's employees did a great job raising awareness for the American Heart Association by raising $1,400 in donations and participating in the annual walk in Fredericksburg!

Image for Team Hilldrup raises nearly $1,400 at 2017 Heart Walk

Hilldrup is a proud sponsor of the American Heart Association and recently participated in the annual Heart Walk and Festival in Fredericksburg.

Members of the Stafford office joined other locals and furry friends (it was a pet-friendly event) to raise money for AHA. Team Hilldrup raised close to $1,400, the fourth highest out of 56 teams, which contributed to a total of about $64K!

In addition to the walk, participants enjoyed a pet parade, live music, dance demonstrations, health-education sessions and more.

We are grateful to have employees who are willing to be part of a great cause and give back. Check out some of the fun from the 2017 Heart Walk below.