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Top 3 Questions to Ask Before Relocating for Work

Relocating for work is an exciting opportunity to start a new chapter, especially if your employer will assist with your move.

Man tapes up moving box

New job opportunities are both exciting and an acknowledgment of your professional success. Sometimes, new positions are contingent on relocating to a new city, state or even country. Perhaps your current job is asking you to relocate, or the best new opportunity for you happens to be a few state lines away.

Regardless of whether or not you feel ready to jump in head-first and start fresh, it’s important to make sure your affairs are in order, and you haven’t forgotten anything before the moving truck is already in tow. If you’re considering relocating for work, make sure you ask yourself these critical questions before making a final decision.

1. Does Your Employer Offer a Relocation Package?

Before you decide to relocate for work, consult with your company about their relocation benefits to see if you can avoid paying for the move entirely on your own. Many companies offer some form of a relocation package with flexible provisions. Compensation can differ by industry, location, and sometimes even position. All things considered, this usually means that you’ll have to negotiate your relocation.

The whole point of negotiating is to address your real needs, so to ensure you don’t accidentally limit what you ask for, you’ll need to know exactly what you want before you talk with your employer. Are you looking for help covering temporary living expenses, moving costs or assistance selling your house? How about a discretionary expense allowance, or a sum for miscellaneous expenses? These are all important considerations to think about before relocating for work.

Once you’re able to come to an agreement with your employer, make sure you get it in writing as reassurance you’ll get what you were promised.

2. Where Will You Be Living?

Moving is a major financial commitment. Even if you were offered a relocation package, chances are it won’t cover every expense involved with the move or help you once you’ve settled in. Maybe relocating comes with the promise of a raise, but if the cost of living in your new neighborhood is significantly higher than in your old one, you could be even worse off financially. It’s important to make sure you have a financial plan in place to budget for the move itself – and to sustain your lifestyle afterward.

Don’t waste your time exploring neighborhoods with homes out of your budget. Knowing and sticking to your budget is important if you want your standard of living to remain the same, or if you’re looking to improve it. Start by realistically calculating how much mortgage you can afford.

It’s crucial to take this part of the home buying process seriously due to the intensity of today’s housing market and the demand that’s driving prices. Furthermore, if you have the luxury of taking the time to explore the neighborhoods around your new office, take advantage of that. It’s important to get a feel for the environment, so you can find the neighborhood best suited for your lifestyle. If you can’t visit before you move, try to speak with people who already live in the area to get as much perspective as you can. Otherwise, you might find out that you dislike your neighbors or that the commute is too long after it’s too late.

3. How Will Relocating for Work Impact Your Relationships?

Moving can take a toll on interpersonal relationships, especially if you’re planning to move out of state or abroad. Are you leaving behind friends and family that you’ll want to visit? Will your employer let you take time off, and can you afford to make the trip? What about the people moving with you? Was your spouse offered assistance finding a new job, and will your children receive a good education at their new school?

An important aspect of moving is finding out how you’ll navigate your current relationships under your new circumstances. Remember, uprooting your life could impact more than just yourself.

Along with maintaining and nurturing your old relationships, making a move also requires building a new social support network. The faster you’re able to build this network, the more at home you’ll feel.

Additionally, how you adapt to new people and processes will determine your future happiness and prosperity at your new workplace. Research has shown that there are major benefits in having a network of supportive relationships, so try using friends and coworkers to network. You might even consider joining the gym or volunteering to meet new people.

Nonetheless, finding different ways to cultivate your social support system is essential if you’re considering making a move away from your loved ones.

Relocating for work is an exciting opportunity to start a new chapter in your life, but it can be a huge undertaking. Thankfully, with the right amount of research and the proper negotiations, you should be able to make the decision that’s right for you.

Whether you’re relocating a state away or out of the country, Hilldrup has a dedicated team of professionals who can help streamline your move. Contact us today for more information!