Making Your Next Move a Sustainable One

As a moving company, you can believe Hilldrup uses a lot of cardboard boxes – more than 600 tons to be exact. … Continued

As a moving company, you can believe Hilldrup uses a lot of cardboard boxes – more than 600 tons to be exact. That’s the weight of all the cardboard boxes we recycled in the past year. Today being Earth Day, we wanted to share some effective ways you can reduce, reuse and recycle during your next move.

Packing for a move often involves sorting your belongings into “things to keep” and “things to toss.” Hauling everything that falls in the latter category to the landfill might be easy for you, but it isn’t easy on the environment. To ensure that your move is eco-friendly, here are some tips on how best to handle those items you have may been holding onto:

  • Electronics: Have an old but still working computer or television that you don’t want to take with you? Try taking them to a local Goodwill or Salvation Army. Staples and Best Buy also recycle most electronics that are no longer functioning for free.
  • Paint, oil and other toxic liquids: Old paint cans are extremely toxic to the environment and often illegal to dispose of improperly. Try donating extra paint to your local Habitat for Humanity. Also, most automotive stores will recycle used motor oil for you. If either of these aren’t an option where you live, most localities have household hazardous waste facilities that can assist you in disposing of these liquids safely.
  • Appliances: Although your main concern might simply be getting your large appliances out the front door, they still need to be disposed of properly. Energy Star’s website can help you find locations to recycle your old refrigerator, freezer and other appliances.
  • Furniture: Donate your unwanted furniture to thrift shops instead of taking it to a landfill. Many thrift stores will come to pick up large pieces of furniture you might not be able to transport to the store.
  • Everything else: Visit these websites to help you find out where to recycle almost anything – 1-800-recycling and Earth911.

Another way to help the environment during your next month? Cut down on all the back-and-forth trips and have Hilldrup do everything in one fell swoop. Happy Earth Day everyone!