Atlanta Team Transports 400 Pounds of Food for Move For Hunger

Our Atlanta team transported the equivalent of 333 meals and ensured they were delivered safely to those in need.

Image for Atlanta Team Transports 400 Pounds of Food for Move For Hunger

Hilldrup Atlanta has once again mobilized food in the communities it serves in partnership with our friends at Move For Hunger. We’ve been a proud supporter of Move For Hunger for years and are always looking for opportunities to support their mission to provide meals to underprivileged children, families and seniors struggling with food scarcity.

Recently, our team picked up 400 pounds of food from BakoDX in Forsyth County, GA and delivered the donations to Lawrenceville Cooperative Ministry in Lawrenceville, GA. That donation will go to provide 333 meals for those in need! We’re especially grateful to our team members, Kathleen Toney, Workplace Solutions Coordinator, and local driver, Steven Gray, Sr., who led the coordination and delivery of the food donations.

Thank you to Hilldrup Atlanta and the Move For Hunger team for ensuring these donations were quickly and safely delivered to those in need.

Learn more about Hilldrup’s partnership with Move For Hunger here!

Move For Hunger Certificate

Way to go, Atlanta! Move For Hunger kindly presented our team with the above certificate for the 400 pounds of food that was transported to those in need in the local community.