Barry Dodson Elected to the Virginia Trucking Association’s Board of Directors

Hilldrup is pleased to announce that our very own Barry Dodson, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, has been elected to … Continued

Image for Barry Dodson Elected to the Virginia Trucking Association’s Board of Directors

Hilldrup is pleased to announce that our very own Barry Dodson, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, has been elected to the Virginia Trucking Association’s board of directors.

The Virginia Trucking Association (VTA) is the only organization in Virginia that provides full-time service and representation for the trucking industry. Serving family-owned and corporate trucking businesses throughout the state and across the nation, VTA’s mission is to work towards making Virginia the best state in which to base and operate a trucking company.

Beginning his career with Hilldrup in 1975, Barry has served our organization in multiple capacities including Operations Manager, Vice President of Operations and Executive Vice President. A veteran in the moving industry, Barry brings his experience as a past president of the Virginia Movers and Warehousemen’s Association to his new role with VTA as well.

Congratulations Barry on this wonderful opportunity!