Hilldrup Celebrates Women’s History Month

Each month this year, Hilldrup is recognizing a different commemoration. In March, our team celebrated Women’s History Month! As part of this celebration, our Culture Crew has been highlighting female employees across Hilldrup who are on the move! Of course, these profiles represent just a few of the phenomenal female employees in our company.

Image for Hilldrup Celebrates Women’s History Month

Each month this year, Hilldrup is recognizing a different commemoration. In March, our team celebrated Women’s History Month!

As part of this celebration, our Culture Crew has been highlighting female employees across Hilldrup who are on the move! Of course, these profiles represent just a few of the phenomenal female employees in our company.

As part of each profile, these women shared advice for young and aspiring leaders, as well as their colleagues at Hilldrup. Below is a collection of some of the responses shared with our team!

  • “The world today is NOT the world of yesteryear.  It is important to exemplify women who have sought out and worked to advance within the company.”
    • Myishia Maldonado, Virtual Sales Estimator
  • “Know that you can affect change in whatever role you fill at Hilldrup. Leaders aren’t made by being given a title; they are made by their actions.”
    • Rebecca Taylor, Director, Customer Experience
  • “Don’t be afraid to ask questions! Your willingness to ask questions and learn new things is a sign of strength and shows your desire for individual and organizational growth.”
    • Susan Whitfield, Manager, Information Services
  • “Be a student.  Watch others.  What do you like about how others lead?  What do you not like?  Read a lot. Get different perspectives on how to look at a situation. Be approachable.”
    • Onie Girton, SVP, Sales and Client Services
  • “Read. Learn something new. Study leadership principles. Develop your confidence with a trusted mentor who can help you navigate your way. Respect is not just given so, work hard and put in the effort. It feels good to know you earned something.  Last but not least, always remain ethical and truthful, not just at Hilldrup, but in life.”
    • Linda Rivera, VP, Quality and Customer Relations
  • “Listening, asking questions and paying attention to details.”
    • Karen Saiza, Warehouse Clerk, WPS
  • “Relationships are everything. Never underestimate forging connections and getting to know your fellow employees, partners, customers and clients on a personal level. Try to find common ground and remember that generally we all want each other to succeed so, find ways to work together for the common good and benefit.
    • Jordan McDaniel Hinkebein, Director, Marketing
  • “The people you work with are just as important as the work you do.”
    • Connie McGrath, VP, Finance
  • “Don’t be afraid to talk to your leader and let them know what your goals are.  Ask for her/his support so that you can achieve those goals.”
    • Dana Rose, Operations Manager
  • “Be adaptable to change as well as be patient.”
    • Ashley Lamb, International Team
  • Listen, always listen.  Follow through with what you said you would do.”
    • Eileen Williams, VP, International
  • Develop a thick skin and don’t hold onto negative thoughts, ideas, and/or words from others.”
    • Barbara Harris, Operations Manager
  • “Listen, listen and listen some more.  Don’t sweat the “small stuff” and a lot of itis small stuff.”
    • Teresa Bean, Office Manager
  • “To never stop learning.  Always set goals. Value the relationships you develop.  Never sell yourself short.”
    • Quanesha Samuel, Senior Financial Analyst
  • “Always doing the right thing.  Speak up when you see something wrong. Find solutions to problems. Stay focused on the needs of the customer.”
    • Teresa Whitney, Van Operator