What you need to know about moving with a significant other

The excitement and stress of moving in with a significant other can be a lot to handle. For many, this big change … Continued

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The excitement and stress of moving in with a significant other can be a lot to handle. For many, this big change comes with many other exciting life moments — getting engaged, planning a wedding and purchasing your first home. It also can prompt big questions like how to handle your finances, what’s next in your careers and whose couch you are going to keep or toss.

Unlike our parents’ generation — who often got married shortly after graduating– many millennials have lived with roommates or on their own before cohabitating with a significant other or spouse. This can result in a moving-in process that’s more complicated and cumbersome, thanks in large part to the sheer volume of things that both parties have accumulated. And because of that, it might be time to let your friends and family off the hook and to hire a moving company to help.

Hilldrup crew with dog

This will be the first time hiring professional movers for many people. Brushing up on these common moving terms will help you know what’s included in your move and what isn’t. And as you embark on this journey to combine your households, here are a few pieces of advice which I lived first-hand a few months ago.

Be prepared to purge

Items packed in a kitchen

Combining households starts with sorting through both of your belongings and taking inventory of what to keep and what to toss. You’ll have to ask each other questions such as, “Do we really need the set of pots and pans I’ve had for years in addition to the set gifted to us by your aunt?” The answer is usually no. The good news is, many of the items you decide to get rid of can be given new life through one of these recycling/donation programs.

Completing this assessment process and purging things you don’t need before you request a quote from a moving company will not only result in a more accurate move estimate, but it will also likely result in a cheaper one too.

Get organized

While any reputable professional mover should be able to handle any number of challenges, it’s good to make them aware of anything usual or difficult ahead of the move. Notify your move coordinator of issues like narrow stairwells or elevator access. Another common consideration to inform your move coordinator about is parking regulations.

If any of your belongings will be put into storage, be sure to communicate with your moving crew and label boxes appropriately. And if you’re both moving out of homes or apartments, you’ll also have to decide which home will be packed and loaded up first. At both locations, either you or your significant other will need to be on-site to oversee the movers. No moving company should enter your home without you present.

Have the right expectations

Moving isn’t easy, and it takes time. Depending on what you’re moving and how far, plan on the job taking at least a day or two. Packing, loading and unloading the belongings of two people takes more time than just moving one person.

Crews and drivers operate under strict rules that govern the total number of hours drivers and crews can work each day. Keep that in mind when the crews are busy moving your furniture and moving boxes into your new home. Being as organized as possible before they arrive will also help them be as efficient as possible.

Every Hilldrup customer is assigned a move coordinator, who is your point of contact should any questions arise. They will help you better understand what to expect throughout the move process. Don’t be afraid to ask them questions related to your move.

The advantages of hiring a full-service moving company

While hiring a full-service moving company isn’t for everyone, it does give couples some advantages:

Storage. If you aren’t ready to part with some of your belongings, but you won’t have space in your new home (or you’re transitioning into an apartment together before you start your home buying search), you might need storage space. Full-service moving companies like Hilldrup allow you to use one vendor for packing, transportation of your belongings and secure (climate-controlled) storage. This means you’ll have one point of contact for all of your needs, making coordination easy and painless.

Hilldrup crew unloading truck

Virtual survey. Instead of needing to meet an in-home estimator in-person at both your home and your partner’s home, an estimate can be done using your smartphone. Virtual surveys are completed using the camera function so that estimators can see what they’ll be dealing with on move day. Virtual estimates are great for customers with busy schedules.

Pick up from two locations. Full-service moving companies will have no trouble picking up boxes and furniture from two locations before heading to your new home. Typically, our crews will visit one location at a time, packing the truck with each person’s belongings before heading to the final destination. If your move requires a different plan of attack, your move coordinator will be able to help you problem solve a more complex move.

Move plan outlined

Moving can be tiresome but having the help of a full-service moving company can relieve much of the stress of combining two households into one — allowing you to focus on the more enjoyable moving activities, such as exploring your new neighborhood as you start your new life together.